Intrerupere temporara a apei curente.

Dear Cosmopolis residents,


Due to misusage of the toilets, the sewage system is blocked in some parts of the compound .In order to avoid this kind of problems, please avoid throwing miscellaneous objects in the toilets.

Last time we had this problem it was unbelievable even for us, but we have found in the sewage system mot only pampers, wet baby towels, ear sticks but even some clothing items.

Therefore in order to unblock the sewage system, the water will be stopped tomorrow from 2 AM until 6:30 AM and again from 8:30 AM to 20:30 in the evening.

Thank you for your understanding.


Dragi locatari ,


Datorita folosirii necorespunzatoare a toaletelor sistemul de scurgere din complex s-a blocat in anumite zone .Pentru a evita astfel de probleme ,va rugam insistent sa evitati aruncarea anumitor obiecte in toalete.

Data trecuta cand am avut aceeasi problema ,chiar sis pre surprinderea noastra,dupa desfundarea sistemului de surgere s-au gasit nu numai servetele de bebelusi,scutece d eunica folosinta ,betisoare de urechi cat si obiecte de imbracaminte .

De aceea ,pentru a desfunda sistemul de canalizare din complex apa va fi oprita maine dimineata de la 2 AM la 6:30 AM apoi din nou ,de la 8:30 AM la 20:30 seara .

Va multumim de intelegere !

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